Welcome to today’s Wordle Review! Be warned, this page contains spoilers for today's puzzle, so solve Wordle first or scroll at your own risk. Wordle is released at midnight in your time zone, accommodating all time zones with two Wordle Reviews live every day. If you find yourself on the wrong review, check your puzzle number and find the corresponding review page. Let's get started: Give me a consonant 'S', give me a vowel 'A'. Open the comments section for more hints and community discussion. Our testers share how many guesses it took them to solve today's puzzle, with an average difficulty of 4.7 guesses out of 6, or moderately challenging. A deeper analysis of puzzle difficulty can be found at WordleBot. Today’s word is 'SWATH', a noun defined as a long strip or zone. If today's word isn’t what you guessed, refresh your page! Join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #wordlereview and feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments. Remember to adhere to community guidelines; we value civility. If you're having technical issues, utilize the help button in the Games app settings. Want to chat about other games? Check out our Spelling Bee Forum and Connections Companion as well! If you prefer solving on your own, keep reading for hints, tips, and strategies to help you find today’s word. Start strong with a word that contains two different vowels and common consonants like S, T, R, or N. Drumroll please! The solution to today’s Wordle is... SWATH. Don't worry if you didn’t guess it this time; tomorrow will bring a fresh challenge! Reporting by our dedicated team has brought you this information. For more puzzles, don't miss out on our games hub!