What is the code for playing M4a files in Aide using Java?

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What is the code for playing M4a files in Aide using Java?

I have an old app that I develop my Java apps in called Aide, which develops my apps.

I am trying to simply play .M4a audio files from my Android phone that are stored in my assets folder, and don't know what imports to use nor how to code what I need to code to do this.

All I need, is a function that plays the .MP4 file, and a function or Boolean variable that checks to see if the file is playing or finished. None of the questions I browsed seems to have any code that works.

I googled this as well, and the javax.sound library doesn't exist.

Are there any alternative libraries I can use and how do I use them?

 Thank you for any help,

I tried to cut and paste a googled example of code that would play an .M4a file on my Android phone, but saw that the javax.sound library was missing

Source: View source

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