Top Kubernetes Troubleshooting Tips

Are you stuck debugging K8's issues? Here’s your quick-action checklist to save the day!

*1. Pods stuck? *
👉 kubectl get pods -A → Check status (CrashLoopBackOff? Pending?).
👉 kubectl describe pod <pod-name> → Dig into events.
👉 kubectl logs <pod-name> --previous → Crashed container logs.

*2. Nodes Not Ready? *
👉 kubectl get nodes → Identify unhealthy nodes.
👉 kubectl describe node <node-name> → Check resource pressure/disk issues.
👉 SSH into the node → Verify kubelet/docker service status.

*3. Service Not Routing Traffic? *
👉 kubectl get endpoints → Ensure endpoints match your service’s label selector.
👉 kubectl get svc → Confirm ClusterIP/NodePort is set correctly.

*4. DNS Issues? *
👉 Run nslookup <service-name> inside a pod → Test cluster DNS resolution.

*5. Image Pull Errors? *
👉 Check registry permissions/secrets.
👉 Verify image name/tag in deployment YAML.

*6. Storage Woes? *
👉 kubectl get pv,pvc → Ensure PersistentVolumes are bound.
👉 Check storage class/config in PVC.

*7. Mystery Issues? *
👉 kubectl get events -A --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp → Audit cluster-wide events.

💡 Pro Tips:

  • Use kubectl exec -it <pod> -- sh to debug containers live.
  • Leverage k9s or Lens for visual troubleshooting.
  • Always check resource limits (kubectl describe node for OOMKills!).

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Author Of article : Ibrahim S Read full article