I have seen one of the library that can store our payload in memory cache & get faster response.
The library name is api-cache.
Cache a route
import express from 'express'
import apicache from 'apicache'
let app = express()
let cache = apicache.middleware
app.get('/api/collection/:id?', cache('5 minutes'), (req, res) => {
// do some work... this will only occur once per 5 minutes
res.json({ foo: 'bar' })
Cache all routes
let cache = apicache.middleware
app.use(cache('5 minutes'))
app.get('/will-be-cached', (req, res) => {
res.json({ success: true })
Use with Redis
import express from 'express'
import apicache from 'apicache'
import redis from 'redis'
let app = express()
// if redisClient option is defined, apicache will use redis client
// instead of built-in memory store
let cacheWithRedis = apicache.options({ redisClient: redis.createClient() }).middleware
app.get('/will-be-cached', cacheWithRedis('5 minutes'), (req, res) => {
res.json({ success: true })
Cache grouping and manual controls
import apicache from 'apicache'
let cache = apicache.middleware
app.use(cache('5 minutes'))
// routes are automatically added to index, but may be further added
// to groups for quick deleting of collections
app.get('/api/:collection/:item?', (req, res) => {
req.apicacheGroup = req.params.collection
res.json({ success: true })
// add route to display cache performance (courtesy of @killdash9)
app.get('/api/cache/performance', (req, res) => {
// add route to display cache index
app.get('/api/cache/index', (req, res) => {
// add route to manually clear target/group
app.get('/api/cache/clear/:target?', (req, res) => {
GET /api/foo/bar --> caches entry at /api/foo/bar and adds a group called 'foo' to index
GET /api/cache/index --> displays index
GET /api/cache/clear/foo --> clears all cached entries for 'foo' group/collection
I recommended this api middleware you can use. in that database where they are rarely update. like country, city and validators api data.
Cozeniths is providing web services, app development and seo optimization
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