by william4192
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What Just Happened? is party game that is really a story telling game. I have no idea how I ended up with this game, but I was laughing when I pulled it off the shelf.
This is a game sort of like Cards Against Humanity but without the R rating. Well, it can be if you want. The players will play cards down on the table and the players will take turns making up stories about these cards. That's pretty much the entire game. The rest of it is just how to score the game.
I think the cards give you a pretty good prompt to start telling stories and when you get deep into the game you can really get into it. I feel like the stories get better the more you play it. If you have someone who is really bad at story telling or very shy then the game isn't going to work as well. This game is very game group dependent.
Overall, I do not normally enjoy games like this. Yet, I had a very good time with this one. The game is paper thin to be honest, but we were laughing and creating some very funny stories as we played. This may not be for you and normally it is not for me, but we had a blast with this one.
The components are mostly just cards. The cards are fine quality with funny art work on them. I like the art work in this game a lot. The cards are easy to shuffle and we didn't have any issues while playing.
Rule Book:
The rule book is a wall of words. This is a very wordy rule book. The rules are light as this is mostly just a party game and a device to tell stories. All of the cards are listed in the book for reference. You need just a couple of minutes to read through the rules and you will be up and playing.
Flow of the Game:
Bob is what the current player is called. Bob plays a location card.
Then, he players plays a character card and then each player plays an equipment card to any character card played.
Finally, each player tells a story based on the cards played.
Points are given to the story tell and who ever has the most points at the end of the round wins a round token.
The winner of the game is the person who has 3 round tokens.
Should I buy this game?:
This is likely my favorite story telling game that I have played. I would say the scoring is okay, but if you are looking for story telling and good times then this game will deliver.
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