by Brittafilter

Who in your gaming group would like this the most?

This is a great game for players who enjoy quick bluffing games. If your group can banter, then this is the game for you!

This would also make a great filler game for a large game group since it can be played with up to 10 players.

Type of Game Play?

Each player has a hand of cards that have your own unique character image, the card values (number), and either wine or poison. There are also cards that depict goblets played face up on the table based on player count. Each player takes turns placing cards above or below the goblets.

Above - The cards above determine if the goblet is wine or poison. Whichever scores the highest based on number values determines what’s in the cup.

Below - Numbers are also tallied below and the winner of each cup is based on the value of the cards you played below each cup. If you win two cups, you choose which to drink from.

After values are totaled and cups assigned to each player, you find out if you drank poison or wine and determine who lived and well… who didn’t.

Number of Players?

We played this game with 3 players and enjoyed it, but I think the higher the player count the better it will play. It’s a game that is easy to set up and play multiple times over and over since it is quick and easy to learn.

Time to Learn?

It took us about 10 minutes to review the rulebook and start playing. It’s a game where one player could teach the others as you go. The premise is pretty simple.

Time to play?

It’s a pretty fast game that would take 15 minutes. If you are playing with the max player count (10 players) then I would allow 20-25 minutes.

Similarities To Other Games?

The bluffing, ease of play, and how quickly it can be learned reminds me of the game Skull.

Easiest Thing to Overlook?

Every other round you will flip some of the cards above the goblets to start hinting at which cups could be wine or poison. Make sure to catch this so that you’re not completely in the dark while trying to bid for cups.

Quality of the Game?

The cards are well made and easy to distinguish each character’s set so that you know who wins the goblets. The box is a nice size, but not too large, making it easy to travel with.

Art, Theme, Mechanic?

The theme and the art are amazing, especially if you are a Princess Bride fan! Each card has quotes that are specific to the “Battle of Wits” scene. Perfect for board gamers or movie fans alike! It’s a simple game, but with the right group and players who enjoy bluffing, it will be a game that you revisit again and again!

Overall Thoughts

This is a simple card game brought to life by the theme and the movie scene that it depicts. We really enjoyed it for what it is. Simple, easy to teach, and fun for a group that loves to banter and try to outwit each other.

If you enjoy bluffing games like Skull or Werewolf, then this game would be a perfect addition to your collection.

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