This is the second expansion to Tapestry, featuring a fifth advancement track and much more.
This review copy was gifted to us by @stonemaiergames
➖What’s New?➖
* 1 arts track
* 5 civilisation mats
* 20 tapestry cards
* 11 tech cards
* 6 Advanced capital city mats
* 8 landmarks for the arts track and landmark cards
* 20 Inspiration tiles
* 20 Masterpiece cards
* D20 science die.
* Player tokens and landmark tokens
The biggest change in this expansion is the arts track. One of the new actions on the track lets you gain masterpiece cards that provide you extra resources or points on future income turns.
Another action is to gain an inspiration tile which you place on top of the corresponding track on your income mat with more powerful spaces.
During setup each player gets an advanced capitol city mat with a basic one, you choose which one to use. Players are also given a personal landmark card that lets them obtain their own landmark when they meet its requirements.
There are also some minor new features in the extra tech cards and tapestry cards that have something new or interact with the Arts track.
➖Overall Thoughts➖
✅ Positive: we love the Arts track and the new actions you can take. Being able to upgrade your player mat with the inspiration tiles and masterpiece cards allow for some interesting decisions. By having an extra track it also means there are even more landmarks available to be claimed and a greater variety of ways to play the game.
Lots of the new things can just be shuffled in to the base game components to add more variety.
We love the advanced city mats, they add some really interesting changes to the basic mats. And that you can simply choose not to play the advances mat and stick to the basic mat which is great for newer players.
The personal landmark cards guarantee you a landmark that no one else can take. We like the mini objective that it gives you as it encourages you to go in a certain direction.
❌ Negative: not much to say here, if you love Tapestry this is a must have!
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