by TheFonzMan

I got Storm Raiders on Kickstarter and finally broke it out tonight with my gaming group. We all enjoyed the game a lot -- we found the pieces high quality, we loved the dual-layered boards, we really enjoyed the theme, and we loved the artwork. We also found the game very engaging with good strategy for a not super complex game (we typically play games that are 3.5+ on complexity). There are a lot of decisions to make around what die you take and what vehicle to use that are harder than you would think. Multiple times tonight I got stuck in a spot and not able to move because I wasn't careful enough with my plane. So there is a lot to the game and it was really fun. We gave it an 8.5 ranking.

Question -- I got the expansion with my Kickstarter and it has contracts that have a health icon with a lightning bolt through them. But there is nowhere in the expansion that explains that icon. In the description for the contracts it states that they "will likely come with some unwanted Damage or Health Loss" -- implying that the icon might mean EITHER effect -- so we were left with the question of with the icon that is a Health with a lightning bolt through it does it mean that you lose one health OR do you get to chose to either lose a health or damage to your vehicle?? That wasn't clear to us.

Overall VERY fun game, great components, well made and well crafted. A big HIT for us.

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