by Bronnzo

This is a review of the new german Amigo version of the game No Thanks!
It comes with the 33 card base game + 22 expansion cards, 55 glass(?) chips and a manual.

I'm not gonna waste much time on the base game, its the same and playes nice for 3-7 players. Lets take a closer look at whats different to previous versions:
1 👍 The game doesn't come in plastic wrap, but has 2 seals on it instead + there are glass chips (at least I assume thats the material?) + cards come in a paper wrap = shows that amigo really wants to reduce plastic componets and waste in their games. I like that

-1 👎 The trend of small boxed games beeing bigger than they needed to really annoys me. Why is this box bigger than pervious ones, when the content clearly fits in the previous standard size? See comparison to Wizard and for another example of this my review of the frosted mini games

3 👍 The actual cards inside this expansion are quite plenty - compared to the base game. We got 6 pink ones. If you play witht the expansion you use all of the pink ones and 9 out of the 16 green ones. Shuffle all of them with the normal ones into one pile. As the green ones have also a green card back you will be able to tell if the top card is a green one or not.
Pink ones work like ordinary cards when bidding, the green ones are different, as they have a positiv effect. If you choose to not pay for the green card you get the chips, but the player who last placed a chip on it gets to keep it. The one who obtained the chips then starts his turn and flipps a card.
As for the effects:

We got +5 all the way to +20 positiv points, a joker card that can be of any value from 3-35, +1 point for each card you got, use this card to not bid for a round, look at the not in game cards, give the person to your left one of your cards, remove one card, make your chips count x2 at the end. As for the pink cards we got:
take the top most pink card, you chips count -1 at the end instead, half you chips at the end, you highest card counts x2 at the end, the 40 and for each card -1 point.

As you can guess the expansion makes the already solid base game even better. Its always interesting to see what expansion cards could gain or cost you the most points bid accordingly, only to then not get the bid. Its a nice mix of good and bad cards, not really too broken effects. A blast every time we play. I highly recommend it! +3 verdict

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