by william4192

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Fire Tower is a mass market board game about fire. One would think it is about putting fires out, but no. They instead made this about helping to spread fire to burn down the Fire Towers of the other players.

First off, the theme was a huge turn off for us. We did not like burning down the forest or burning down the Fire Towers. Bizarre. It was so anti what we thought the game would be about that it was very hard to come back from. I think we are playing as the wind and not really people trying to burn it down. I think that is what is going on.

As for the game itself, this is an abstract game. They try very hard to incorporate a theme into the game, but theme is so odd that it doesn't help. You are moving fire markers around the board to try and capture a spot on the board. The cards you gain are random and you really need to do the best you can with them. I had the wind against me when the game started. I just didn't have a wind card to change it so it was growing against me. I finally got a wind card, but my opponent had one also and just changed the wind back on the next turn. Sure, it was just a lucky move, but it lacked any sort of strategy to what I was doing. I never got another wind card and it was impossible to fight back. Of course this will not happen every game, but it is possible.

I didn't find anything I was doing to be interesting. I have to admit this type of game isn't for me. I do need a little bit more strategy in my games. I just felt a total lack of control in this game. Not only is there a lot happening in between my turns, but then on my turn I am very limited to what I can do based on the cards I randomly drew. I felt like a lot was happening to me and I was just hoping the other players would not pile on top of me (but why would they stop? They have to take me out also).

Overall, this game was a huge miss for me. I will blame myself as I am sure it will find a market that does not include me which is evident as there is an expansion already out for the game. I can chalk this one up to a solid game that works but one that isn't for me.



The components are a mixed bag. The board is bland and really just abstract spots on the board. I do appreciate the squares that cover up the other fire towers when you play with less than 4 players. The fire tokens are orange gems and they are nice. The purple blockers are just wooden circles and do not help the theme. The cards are okay quality. The graphic design is great. You can easily see how to add fire to the board. This is a great example of substance over style.

Rule Book:

The rule book is presented in full color with plenty of pictures. I was easily able to digest the rules and was able to play the game in just a few minutes. The rules were super clear. The rules are simple. Any complexity the game has is from the cards and the way they interact with the board.

Flow of the Game:

The winner is the last person standing. You are attempting to get the fire to burn down the Fire Tower of the other players.

Fire is printed on the board in the center of the board. The wind is randomly assigned at the start of the game.

At the start of the turn, you have to place a fire marker on the board in the direction of the wind. You are trying to get the fire to burn down the Fire Tower of the other players. On your turn, you play a card and draw a card.

The cards can normally change the wind, add fire to the board, place blockers on the board to try and stop the fire. The cards are take that cards mostly. You are trying to get the fire to go after others and away from you.

Should I buy this game?:

This is an abstract, capture the flag type game. It works best with 4 players, but it can play as few as 2. If you are looking for a take that, abstract game then this is going to be right up your alley.


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