by william4192
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Blossoms is a two player card game about growing and collecting flowers. This is a theme attached to the game to help the mechanics understood. The game is a fluff piece of a game which isn't an insult.
This is a two player only game. You need to know this when going. Kosmos used to have a two player line that has some legendary games in the line and I think this might fit in as a middle of the road in that set. The game gives you some decisions but nothing here is too taxing.
You are doing the same actions over and over again. The order and the moment they are activated is the key to winning. You are growing a lot in this game which is a random pull of a card and hoping that it works out for you. This is a major drawback of the game. If you draw great and I draw poorly, you will likely do much better than me. The special actions can put a wrench in this at times, but it is an uphill battle to fight off great draws.
I found the game to be a tad bland. There are a few "plant" games and this was only unique in that it is two player only. This game is too light and too luck based for our taste. The special actions twist up the game, but they are so rarely used that it can be frustrating. It is all much too little too late when it comes to these actions. I just found myself not caring when it comes to this game. It was bland, boring and not interesting to us at all. It is a short game which is nice at a pub or when you are out.
This is a cute, quick playing game designed for two players only. If that is your jam, then check out this game.
The components are some tarot sized cards. The pots are nice with their action icons listed on them. The little tokens are good quality and are easy to use. I like the use of pots and flowers in this game and building the and growing the flowers The game has a nice look to it and the art work is inviting.
Rule Book:
This is a small square book that is published in full color with plenty of pictures. It will likely take you 10-15 minutes to read through it. The rules are straight forward and we didn't have any issues while playing. There are plenty of examples and notes that help you understand what you are doing. It isn't very hard to learn this game nor to teach it.
Flow of the Game:
The game ends when the last card is drawn from the deck. The player with the most VP is the winner. You gain VP from the total value of your flowers and the different types of flowers that you have.
Player Turn:
Each turn starts with a Growth and 1 more action.
Possible actions:
a. Growth - Draw a card from the deck and add it to a pot. If you do not have a spot for it, then it goes into an empty pot, if there isn't an empty pot then you discard it and your turn ends.
b. Plant - add 1 card from your hand with the same flower
c. Cut - Choose a pot with at least two flowers. This set is put aside and will be scored at the end of the game.
d. Pass -
* You also have three action tokens that can be used once per round. The pot selected cannot be cut and collected and the special action can be used:
Should I buy this game?:
This is a game for someone looking for a lighter two player game. The game is very straight forward and the components help with the teaching of the game. If you are seeking out a Euro game with a lot of strategy, then this is not going to be for you. This is a good pub game or a lighter game on a week night that you do not want to stick around too long.
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