This is a submission for the 2025 New Year Writing challenge: Predicting 2025.

July 1, 1872, downtown Chicago—finally, Mr. John Carpenter decided to close his generations-old family business of handcrafted wooden furniture and join the local mining company as a supervisor of skilled workers.

The salary was good, but that wasn’t what bothered him. "Why did it have to be him?" he asked himself. He wasn’t like his other brothers—he was responsible, creative, hardworking, and deeply caring toward his extended family. His grandfather, Mr. Alex Carpenter, had entrusted the family business to John for all those reasons!

Yet, in the end, none of it mattered when the Second Industrial Revolution arrived. The new industrialists began producing even better-finished furniture and selling it at a fraction of the price—John and his handcrafted furniture had no chance. He could still sell some finely crafted pieces to wealthy locals who valued traditional woodworking, but it wasn’t enough to keep the business afloat.

What you just read above is pure fiction. I don’t know of anyone named John Carpenter from downtown Chicago. But what I do know for sure is that many unnamed family business owners of that era went out of business and had to join the workforce due to the Second Industrial Revolution. Their way of life changed forever.

People like John Carpenter didn’t go out of business because they lacked skill, creativity, or dedication. They went out of business because they lacked the vision to foresee the massive wave of change heading their way.

They say history repeats itself, and if I’m sure of anything, it’s that another technological revolution is on the horizon. A massive wave of change is imminent—and this time, it will shake society in ways that will likely make previous technological revolutions look like child’s play.

Artificial Intelligence

Yes, you’re right—I’m talking about AI, of course. Everyone who is anyone in the tech industry knows that AI is already causing massive change, and what’s coming next will likely be far bigger than ever before. But to what end? That’s the trillion-dollar question everyone is trying to figure out. Below are some of my predictions that may just come true as early as 2025!

Developers in the Job Market

In broad strokes, the AI revolution will divide developers into three distinct types:

  1. Developers with strong core tech skills but reluctant to use AI for productivity – some will survive due to their expertise and position, but many will struggle in 2025, because others with similar skills and experience will likely multiply their productivity using newer advancements in AI.
  2. Developers who are efficient AI users but lack strong core tech skills – These developers will perform well in some cases but will be easily replaced by others or even by newer AI advancements. Additionally, they will struggle with complex projects and find it difficult to rise to top positions. New generation and their parents must ensure that their education doesn't remain on the surface level - otherwise they will likely suffer in the coming days.
  3. Developers with strong core tech skills and efficient in using AI for productivity - This is the type of developer you’ll want to become in 2025. With strong foundational skills, such as proficiency in various programming languages, you’ll be confident in handling complex projects. By leveraging AI advancements, you’ll stay at the top of your field. As many people say, AI won’t replace you—but people who use AI effectively most likely will. That said, it definitely won’t be the developers described in category #2.

Solopreneurs Running Mid-Sized Companies

Advancements in AI will soon enable expert solopreneurs to run their entire businesses using AI agents. My prediction: 2025 will be the year that gives rise to billionaire solopreneurs who will single-handedly manage companies at an unprecedented scale.

While major AI companies will continue pushing toward artificial general intelligence (AGI), more fine-tuned AI models and specialized AI agents will thrive in specific industries. This will allow expert solopreneurs to carve out their share of the massive wealth AI is set to generate.


Predicting the future is difficult, impossible even. But if we have an overall vision of the future, and work towards it incrementally based on the changes in the present, then I think we'll be fine.

So I say enjoy the AI revolution!

Author Of article : Fayaz Read full article