How to Set Up OpenKiosk with GNOME and Auto-Start on Login

System Details

  • GNOME Shell: 40.10
  • OS: Rocky Linux release 9.5

I needed to run OpenKiosk in kiosk mode on GNOME and have it start automatically on login. Here’s the setup I used, including some useful GNOME extensions.

🔹 Step 1: Install GNOME Extensions

To improve the kiosk experience, I installed two extensions:

  1. Disable Gestures – Prevents unintended touchpad gestures
  2. No Overview – Disables automatic workspace overview


disable-gestures URL

No-overview URL

Install them using the following commands:

# Install and enable Disable Gestures extension
gnome-extensions install  
gnome-extensions enable  

# Install and enable No Overview extension
gnome-extensions install no-overview@fthx  
gnome-extensions enable no-overview@fthx  

🔹 Step 2: Install OpenKiosk

Download and install OpenKiosk from:
🔗 OpenKiosk Download

Once installed, modify the configuration file:

sudo nano /usr/lib/OpenKiosk/openkiosk.cfg

Update settings as needed (e.g., set the homepage, enable fullscreen, etc.).

🔹 Step 3: Auto-Start OpenKiosk on Login

To ensure OpenKiosk launches automatically, create a startup entry:

mkdir -p ~/.config/autostart
nano ~/.config/autostart/openkiosk.desktop

Paste the following content:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=bash -c "export MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 && export DISPLAY=:0 && /usr/bin/OpenKiosk --safe-mode"

Save and exit.


If your system is using X11 or if you're unsure which display server is being used, specify Wayland manually. This ensures Firefox-based applications like OpenKiosk use the correct display protocol.

🔹 Step 4: Reboot and Test

Restart your system to apply the changes:


After logging in, OpenKiosk should launch automatically in kiosk mode. 🎉

Let me know if you have any improvements or suggestions! 🚀

Author Of article : Manuel Gorospe Read full article