"Interchanging" matrices and vectors: building a matrix from transformed unit vectors?

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"Interchanging" matrices and vectors: building a matrix from transformed unit vectors?

Current Representation

Here is my current representation of an M by N row-major Matrix

struct Matrix<T, const M: usize, const N: usize> {
    entries: Box<[[T; N]; M]>

I think this representation helps distinguish types very nicely, and I would like to stick with this general idea. Matrix<u32, 2, 2> is very different from Matrix<u32, 3, 2>. And this design allows for nice things like impl<..> Matrix<T, M, M> {..}–exclusive methods for square matrices like determinants without runtime checks and nasty error handling! (never seen that before). I would also like keeping the entries on the heap.

I'm similarly representing vectors like the following:

struct Vector<T, const M: usize> {
    entries: Box<[T; M]>

I'm using M here in the definition (and throughout) because I want these to be column vectors–normal vectors–and not row vectors with notation being consistent with the matrix struct. Also, this is not to be confused with std::collections::Vec; just making sure.

Motivating Idea: "Interchanging" Matrices and Vectors

Now, I would like to implement From<Vector<T, M>> for Matrix<T, M, N>.

Note 1. Mathematically, this is representative of being able to construct a matrix whose effect is to transform the given space such that the unit vectors go to the respective columns of the matrix. I would also like to do more "interchanging" somehow with these structs later.
Note 2. I believe From<Vector<T, M>> might not even be idiomatic. However, I think this would be an easy change from Matrix::from() to something like Matrix::from_transformed_unit_vectors(), anyway.

Attempting to do this, I can implement AsRef<[T; M]> (Numeric extends Clone and others).

impl<T, const M: usize> AsRef<[T; M]> for Vector<T, M> 
    T: Numeric,
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &[T; M] {

This function returns a reference to the same heap-allocated array.

What if I want to implement a conversion the other way around? I want to take a row/column of a Matrix and treat it as a Vector (or row vector)? How would I do this other than the following, seemingly-clumsy way (which also allocates more memory–which I guess am forced to anyway):

impl<T, const M: usize> AsRef<Vector<T, M>> for [T; M]
    T: Numeric,
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &Vector<T, M> {

This doesn't compile because of lifetime restrictions.


I'm basically asking for an idiomatic way to implement Matrix::from_transformed_unit_vectors or a From conversion. I don't mind if the answer is to scrap my current representation of vectors and matrices (or even if the answer lies in introducing a new intermediary struct to help with the job). However, I would like keeping the strict typing of matrices of different dimensions (as well as with vectors).

Source: View source

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