So I'm trying to use the RISC-V SBI debug console extension of OpenSBI on Qemu using inline Rust assembly, but it isn't working.
My first question is, does Qemu's OpenSBI even support this extension? I found that the debug console extension was added to OpenSBI as a experimental feature but I'm not sure if its enabled in Qemu or not.
My second question is, what's wrong with my implementation if the extension is available?
pub fn debug_console_write(text: &str) -> SBIResult {
let mut sbi_result = SBIResult::new();
unsafe {
"li a7, 0x4442434E", // Specifies SBI extension
"li a6, 0x00", // Specifies function ID in extension
"lw a0, ({})", // Provides number of bytes in string
"lw a1, ({})", // Provides pointer to string
"li a2, 0", // Provides the high end of the pointers address which should always be 0
"ecall", // Short for "enviroment call", in this case it's a call to the sbi
"sw a0, ({})", // Puts error value from sbi call into result struct
"sw a1, ({})", // Puts value value from sbi call into result struct
in(reg) &text.len(),
in(reg) &text.as_ptr(),
out(reg) sbi_result.error,
out(reg) sbi_result.value
return sbi_result
My third question is, if the extension isn't available, how can I get output?
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