I am just trying to make a simple Pager which shows a text with the page number while scrolling. It should scroll forward and back wards infinitely. But for some reason it keeps increasing the page number while not scrolling. I can not figure out why. Here is my code please help.


class MyPagingSource : PagingSource<Int, String>() {

override fun getRefreshKey(state: PagingState<Int, String>): Int? {
    return state.anchorPosition?.let { anchorPosition ->
        val anchorPage = state.closestPageToPosition(anchorPosition)
        anchorPage?.prevKey?.plus(1) ?: anchorPage?.nextKey?.minus(1)

override suspend fun load(params: LoadParams<Int>): LoadResult<Int, String> {
    val nextPage = params.key ?: 0
    val data = listOf("Page $nextPage")
    val prevKey = if (nextPage > 0) nextPage.minus(1) else null
    val nextKey = if (data.isNotEmpty()) nextPage.plus(1) else null

    return LoadResult.Page(
        data = data,
        prevKey = nextKey,
        nextKey = prevKey


class MyViewModel: ViewModel() {
val pager = Pager(
    config = PagingConfig(pageSize = 100),
    pagingSourceFactory = { MyPagingSource() },


fun App() {
val viewmodel = koinViewModel<MyViewModel>()
val lazyPagingItems = viewmodel.pager.collectAsLazyPagingItems()
val state = rememberPagerState(initialPage = 50) { lazyPagingItems.itemCount }

    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
    state = state,
) { page ->
    val item = lazyPagingItems[page]
    Text(text = "Item: $item")

Source: View source