Google play console submit permissions error

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Google play console submit permissions error

I am building react native app with EAS for Android only, I tried to submit to Google Play Console but I got this error:

× Something went wrong when submitting your app to Google Play Store.

We couldn't figure out what went wrong. See logs to learn more.

[logs] Creating new worker instance

[logs] Start phase: SUBMIT_TO_PLAY_STORE
[logs] Starting the submit process
[logs] Downloading archive
[logs] Preparing artifact
[logs] Submitting Android app to Play Store...
[logs] Submitting the app with fastlane supply
[logs] +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
[logs] |                                                           Summary for supply 2.220.0
[logs] +------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
[logs] | aab                                | /tmp/submissions/c3ba0f33-7a79-4278-9a15-a5be0078aca2/application_63a4a0b6_26df_4832_9004_81a35179f5fb.aab |
[logs] | track                              | internal
[logs] | json_key                           | /tmp/submissions/c3ba0f33-7a79-4278-9a15-a5be0078aca2/service-account.json                                 |
[logs] | package_name                       | com.basselturky.bluekiwiapp
[logs] | changes_not_sent_for_review        | false
[logs] | release_status                     | completed
[logs] | skip_upload_apk                    | false
[logs] | skip_upload_aab                    | false
[logs] | skip_upload_metadata               | false
[logs] | skip_upload_changelogs             | false
[logs] | skip_upload_images                 | false
[logs] | skip_upload_screenshots            | false
[logs] | sync_image_upload                  | false
[logs] | track_promote_release_status       | completed
[logs] | validate_only                      | false
[logs] | check_superseded_tracks            | false
[logs] | timeout                            | 300
[logs] | deactivate_on_promote              | true
[logs] | rescue_changes_not_sent_for_review | true
[logs] | ack_bundle_installation_warning    | false
[logs] +------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
[logs] Preparing aab at path '/tmp/submissions/c3ba0f33-7a79-4278-9a15-a5be0078aca2/application_63a4a0b6_26df_4832_9004_81a35179f5fb.aab' for upload...
[logs] Updating track 'internal'...
[logs] Uploading all changes to Google Play...
[logs] Google Api Error: Invalid request - You must let us know whether your app uses any photo and video permissions - Retrying...
[logs] Google Api Error: Invalid request - You must let us know whether your app uses any photo and video permissions - Retrying...
[logs] Google Api Error: Invalid request - You must let us know whether your app uses any photo and video permissions - Retrying...
[logs] Google Api Error: Invalid request - You must let us know whether your app uses any photo and video permissions - Retrying...
[logs] Google Api Error: Invalid request - You must let us know whether your app uses any photo and video permissions - Retrying...
[logs] [!] Google Api Error: Invalid request - You must let us know whether your app uses any photo and video permissions
[logs] Fastlane supply failed
[logs] Failed to submit the app to the store
[logs] End phase: SUBMIT_TO_PLAY_STORE

these are the permissions I have:

  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_MEDIA_IMAGES"/>
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW"/>
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE"/>
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
  <uses-permission android:name=""/>

This error happened after I installed these two libraries:


I wanted to add image download from a URL functionality.

In my Google Play Console, I have declared Data safety for photos and videos.

what am I missing here?

Source: View source

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by PressRex

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