To investigate how to install multiple instances of a storage account in Azure using Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Templates and Azure CLI in this article. Azure CLI is a command-line tool for administering Azure resources. In contrast, ARM templates are JSON files that provide the setup and infrastructure for your Azure resources.
Step 1: Set Up the Resource Group
1.To create a resource group that organizes your resources. Run the following command in Azure CLI:
az group create -n storage-rg -l "eastus"
2.To verify the resource group was created, list all resource groups:
az group list -o table
Step 2: Create an ARM Template
Create an ARM template (e.g., storage.json
) to define the storage accounts. Below is an example template that deploys multiple storage accounts using the copy element:
"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"resources": [
"type": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts",
"apiVersion": "2023-01-01",
"name": "[concat('mystorage', copyIndex())]",
"location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
"sku": {
"name": "Standard_LRS"
"kind": "StorageV2",
"properties": {},
"copy": {
"name": "storageCopy",
"count": 3
This template creates 3 storage accounts with similar names
Step 3: Deploy the ARM Template
Use the following command to deploy the template:
az deployment group create --resource-group storage-rg --template-file storage.json
This command deploys the resources defined in storage.json
to the storage-rg
resource group.
Step 4: Verify the Deployment
Once the deployment is complete, you can check the storage accounts in the Azure portal or use Azure CLI to list them:
az storage account list --resource-group miRG -o table
Step 5: Export the Resource Group Configuration
If you want to export the current configuration of your resource group as an ARM template, use:
az group export --name storage-rg --output json > exported-storage.json
This exports the resource group’s configuration to a file named exported-storage.json
This article demonstrates creating a resource group using Azure CLI, creating an ARM template for multiple storage accounts, deploying the template, and exporting the configuration as an ARM template.
Author Of article : Oluwatobiloba Akinbobola Read full article