Custom focus on item of lazyrow androidtv jetpack compose
so i have a jetpack compose tv project and on the home screen i have a tvlazycolumn and inside it i have item{} having multiple of these :
if (resultItem.thumbnailType?.name.equals(
ignoreCase = true
) && !resultItem.assets.isNullOrEmpty()
) { //landscape
text = resultItem.categoryName ?: "",
modifier = Modifier.padding(top = dimensionResource(R.dimen.sixteen_dp)),
color = colorResource(R.color.white)
pivotOffsets = PivotOffsets(0.0F),
modifier = Modifier
.padding(top = dimensionResource(R.dimen.eight_dp))
.onFocusChanged { focusState ->
) {
items(resultItem.assets?.take(10) ?: emptyList()) { asset ->
image = asset.imageLandscape!!,
title =,
isViewAll = false,
type = asset.type,
itemClick = {
modifier = Modifier,
hideTag = asset.hideTag.toString(),
contentAvailability = asset.contentAvailability,
size = dimensionResource(R.dimen.two_hundred_dp),
onFocusChange = { isFocused ->
if (isFocused) {
assetSynopsys = asset.synopsis
languageSize = asset.languages?.size.toString()
assetImage = asset.imageTransparent
focusedImageUrl = asset.imageLandscape
assetRating = asset.viewerRating?.ratingName
assetHour = asset.hours
assetMin = asset.min
now what want to do is go to a specific item in the row let say on the row above this row i was on 5th item then when i press down i come to the item which was below it which is default how focus works. but i want to the focus to go on the first item of the row .
Source: View source