Hey there, friends! 👋 How are you doing today? Whether you’re diving into code for work, a personal project, or just exploring, I hope things are going smoothly.

Let’s take a moment to talk about debugging. If you’re like me, you’ve leaned on trusty ol’ console.log more times than you can count. But guess what? There’s a whole world beyond it that can make your debugging life way easier and even a little more fun. 🎉

Today, I want to share some gems from the console family: console.table, console.info, console.warn, and console.error. Ready to upgrade your game? Let’s go! 🚀

1. console.table: Turn Your Data into a Masterpiece

Have you ever squinted at a jumble of arrays or objects in your console? Say goodbye to the mess!


const developers = [
  { name: "Riley", skill: "React", level: "Intermediate" },
  { name: "Taylor", skill: "Vue", level: "Advanced" },
  { name: "Jordan", skill: "Angular", level: "Beginner" },


Your data is displayed in a neat, tabular format that’s easy on the eyes. Rows and columns, just like magic!

🛠 Perfect for:

  • API responses
  • Comparing structured data
  • Debugging arrays of objects

2. console.info: Share the Good News

Need to sprinkle some info into your logs? console.info is like your gentle friend who gives you just the right updates.


console.info("🌟 Your server is running on port 8000!");


This shows up with a friendly “i” icon in your console, making it stand out from the noise of regular logs.

Perfect for:

  • System updates
  • Contextual messages during testing
  • Anything you want to highlight without overwhelming

3. console.warn: Throw a Yellow Flag

Warnings are like little nudges that something isn’t quite right. console.warn highlights them perfectly with a bold yellow badge.


console.warn("⚠️ You’re running low on memory!");


Bright yellow text catches your attention instantly, no way to miss it!

Perfect for:

  • Highlighting potential issues
  • Alerting about deprecated features
  • Giving users a heads-up

4. console.error: Roll Out the Red Carpet (for Errors)

Errors deserve to be loud and clear. console.error ensures that they stand out with a big, bold red badge.


console.error("❌ Something went wrong: Unable to connect to the database!");


Hard to miss, this one screams “Fix me!”

🛠 Perfect for:

  • Debugging crashes
  • Flagging critical issues
  • Logging runtime errors

For more info, checkout: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/asifali1010_consolelog-ugcPost-7286622968460333056-ZGMg?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

Have you used any of these before? Or maybe you’ve got a cool debugging tip to share? Let’s chat in the comments! I’d love to hear how you level up your console game or if you have any questions about these features.

Happy coding, and may your debugging always be clean and efficient!

Author Of article : Kudzai Murimi Read full article