Apex lost a staggering percentage of its playerbase in 2024—but that doesn’t mean it’s doomed
Sorry if you’ve heard this before: Apex Legends is in a bit of trouble. The game’s player count has settled at a worryingly low number compared to previous seasons and years.
That much is increasingly evident on sites like Steam Charts, which show just how far Apex has fallen in 2024—from a peak of around 470,000 players on Steam at the beginning of the year until now, in which Steam Charts reports a 24-hour player peak of just 116,817 concurrent players. That’s about a 75-percent drop in one year, an almost unheard of number for a game that’s been as steady as Apex. Those numbers don’t take into account players on EA’s own launcher or console, but it’s a grim picture regardless. And most concerning, there’s not just one reason for this player drop.
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